Hey everyone! Bryce here, Service Square's CTO. I'm super excited to announce that as of this post's release, we are
no longer in our public beta
and are
officially stable
! This means that we've completed testing on all of our initial features (don't worry, we have plenty more features to come) and sorted out any bugs (not gonna lie; there were a lot!) Nothing has really changed due to this, but you will notice that the beta warnings listed at the top of the website are now all removed. In addition, the site should run more efficiently on your end.
We've also improved the appearance and functionality of some parts of our site.
  • BRAND NEW interactive home page (I DEFINITELY geeked out building this)
  • Improvements to question flow on the Service Opportunities site
  • Various link fixes, including the long-awaited fix of servicesquare.org forwarding to our www.servicesquare.org link (the new home page)
  • Addition of graphics to the site for theming and appearance improvements
  • Addition of monthly financial reports to keep up with our promise of maximum financial transparency
  • Added tons of links in the footer to improve speed at finding what you're looking for
  • Other things as well. These are just the main ones.
That's all folks!